Our dedicated nursing team and care staff are highly skilled in supporting individuals with the day to day challenges of their eating disorder.
Each service user has a Key Nurse who will work with them to formulate a person-centred care plan, based on the individual’s ideas, concerns and expectations; as well as their physical and mental health needs. These are designed for individuals being discharged from hospital, who require support in order to transition safely back into the community. This may be under MHA Section 17A, Community Treatment Order (CTO).
Regular care reviews and multidisciplinary meetings ensure that care plans are accurate and up to date.
24/7 nursing care
Access to eating disorder specialists
Daily clinical monitoring
Our SSCM Approach
Our team employs a Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM) approach, which combines regular clinical monitoring* and review of target symptoms, psychoeducation and general support to normalise eating.
Our Specialist Dietician, supervises each service user’s nutritional rehabilitation during their stay. Examples of therapeutic activities and groups include reflexology, goal-setting, cooking group, nutrition, wellbeing and life skills, flexibility, exercise management, anxiety management, self-esteem.
Service users are also supported with the practical tasks of meal planning, shopping, cooking and setting goals to transfer skills home, when appropriate.
*MEED (Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders) guidelines are followed for residents with a primary diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa.
Service summary:
- 24/7 Nursing Care
- On-call medical cover
- Access to Primary Care and Community Services
- Liaison with Psychiatric Teams and Responsible Clinicians
- Liaison with Medical Specialists, including Diabetic Teams ( i.e. for management of patients with Type 1 Diabetes)
- Individualised Residential Care, Nursing Care, Supported Living
- Providing the least restrictive approach
- High staff to patient ratio
- Regular multidisciplinary reviews with full reports
- Promoting life skills for independence and getting back into education, employment or training.
- Individualised sessions with clinical psychologist, counsellor, and dietician
- Opportunity to access a range of evidence-based psychological treatments
- Mental health risk assessment and Medical risk assessment and monitoring, as per MEED Guidelines
- Access to blood testing, ECG, bone dexa and pelvic ultrasound scans as appropriate

Community Activities
We very much encourage residents to engage in community activities and support them in preparation for discharge, whether that means returning to university, work, gaining voluntary work experience, or help with managing the family home. Additional individualised occupational therapy is also provided.

Get In Touch
Contact us today to discuss our services and your needs.